
2022.12.03 sat. - 12.24 sat.

About Original
This exhibition explores the boundaries of this issue, which inevitably arises in painting, film, music, and other forms of artistic expression, in the context of contemporary art. The works are influenced by appropriation art, a form of simulationism that emerged in New York in the early 1980s. By reconfiguring and combining artworks from this time, the artist attempts to create new and original pieces of art. He seeks to rewrite the context of the works by combining two or more designs from his [Under 50% + Point] series, cropping them, and adding new details.


[Under 50% + Point] Series
The basic style of artworks in this series is to rewrite the context of the works by copying or tracing less than half of the original art piece (surface area, lines) and appropriating two or more pieces on a single canvas. The artist has also erased the characteristic parts of the works with mosaic, black lines, and such like so that they can be more clearly interpreted as original art pieces.
絵画、映像、音楽など、表現する上で必ず通るこの問題を現代アートの文脈にのせて境界線を探る。 1980年代前半にニューヨークで起こったシミュレーショニズムの一形態であるアプロプリエーションアートの流れを汲んだ作品になっている。 再構築、組み合わせる事で新しいオリジナル作品をつくりだそうと試みている。 [Under50%+Point]2つ以上の図柄を組み合わせ、トリミング、描き足すことで作品のコンテクストを書き換えようとしている。


素材を1/2未満(面積·線)模写·トレイス、2つ以上の素材を1つのキャンバスにアプロプリエーションすることを基本形態としコンテクストの書き換えをしている。 また特徴的な部分をモザイクや黒ライン等で消し込むことによって、オリジナル作品としてより明確に可視化できるように描かれている。


Born in 1979, Alan's works are based around the theme of "love and humor." His representative series [Under 50% + Point] has attracted attention from collectors in Japan and abroad as works influenced by appropriation art, a form of simulationism that emerged in New York in the early 1980s.

